Whatcha Lookin For?

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Mitch Lucker

Hello everyone! This will be a short and depressing post today.  I'm don't usually listen to Suicide Silence, but I just wanted to remind everyone that it's Mitch Lucker's death anniversary today. Mitch was the vocalist for Suicide Silence.  He died two years ago from injuries that occurred in a motorcycle accident.  I'm sure most of you have heard about this.  Here are some links:

Huffington Post Article
News Report
Southern California Public Radio

This just hurts my heart.  I will be thinking about him and his family all day.

R.I.P Mitch Lucker

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Black Veil Brides

Hello again!  I'm back!  I've started using my laptop instead of a tablet, so I will try to update this blog more!  So, a few days ago, I found the new Black Veil Brides album at F.Y.E.  Why not buy it, right! It was about ten dollars, which I conveniently had.  My friend is letting me borrow Hesitant Alien, which I will download tomorrow and probably review on my little blog here in a few days.  Anyway, I thought this album was great!  I honestly love the older Black Veil Brides, such as Knives and Pens (my favorite Black Veil Brides song), Perfect Weapon, and Beautiful Remains. I think this album represented their growth as a band, and it sounds quite a bit like their older stuff.  I have to say, I'm quite impressed with this album!  Of course, I don't know all of the music very well yet, but I can say that my favorite songs so far are Faithless, Crown of Thorns, Heart of Fire, Devil In the Mirror, and Walk Away.  I love how they changed up their sound to make Walk Away.  I thought it was a beautiful song, and I recommended it to my friend who likes bands like Panic! At The Disco and Alive Like Me.  Also, after hearing the album, I really do agree on the songs they chose to be singles.  Faithless and Heart of Fire are very strong, and really represent the album well.  This band is brilliant.  For the record, I will never get tired of hearing the guitar solos.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bring Me The Horizon- Drown

Hello again! I know I haven't been on this blog much yet, but the new Bring Me The Horizon song and music video came out today! Of course, I was really excited about it! Bring Me The Horizon is a great band! I listened to it a few times, and I've finally gathered enough knowledge to form a decent opinion on this song.
At first, I really didn't know what to think. Well, actually, my first thought was 'WHY IS HE SINGING?!' He just kept singing and singing, and I finally realized that he wasn't going to scream. This isn't exactly new for them, since they had a lot of songs similar to this on Sempiternal, but I was sort of taken aback! Of course, Oli has a good singing voice, we just haven't heard it quite like this before. I did like the song, but if the whole album is like this...? I'm still processing it.  I'm just so used to their heavy sound that I can't seem to wrap my head around this yet! I listen to lots of bands with this sound, but I think I prefer their "old sound." Wow, I never thought I would be this person.  I seriously do love the song, guys, but this is just flabbergasting. It's beautiful, and I am very satisfied with this one song in particular, but if they lose their heavy sound, I really would be disappointed. That being said, I'm still excited for more music from them, and I don't think anyone can predict what direction Bring Me The Horizon is going yet!
I'd love to hear what you think of Drown! You can leave a comment or message me on Twitter (@katsr4me)!

Drown- Bring Me The Horizon Music Video

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pierce The Veil

You must know I love Pierce The Veil. I will be attending the World Tour in February! └|°ε°|┐
My favorite songs by them are:
1.) King For A Day (which is actually my favorite song!)
2.) Caraphernalia
3.) Million Dollar Houses (The Painter)
4.) Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears
5.) May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight/Hell Above (dat bass)
I usually don't listen to A Flair For The Dramatic; I'm not sure why, but it doesn't necessarily appeal to me. However, I do especially like the songs The Cheap Bouquet, Currents Convulsive, and Yeah Boy And Doll Face off of that album. Collide With The Sky is my all time favorite album, but the first one I heard was Selfish Machines. I really do love them all, and I suggest this band to people who like Sleeping With Sirens and Alive Like Me.

You Me At Six Concert

Hello! I just wanted to update! I saw You Me At Six last night! The first band, Captain Kidd, was okay. It reminded me of Walk The Moon in a way. They are both good live bands, but that isn't really my kind of music. The second band, Young Guns, was pretty good, but they were extremely loud. You Me At Six finally came on about two and a half hours after the start of the concert. They started with Too Young To Feel This Old, a great song from Cavalier Youth, I believe? Correct me if I'm wrong. They played a lot from Sinners Never Sleep and Cavalier Youth (of course.) I remember them playing Underdog, Loverboy, The Consequence, Stay With Me, Bite My Tongue, Fresh Start Fever, Forgive and Forget, Room To Breathe, Cold Night, Live A Lie, and some others. Josh screamed some of Oli's part in Bite My Tongue. My friend ended up in a mosh pit. Yeah, we weren't expecting that. We had a great night!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Alive Like Me's Debut Album, Only Forever

Alive Like Me is a new band (formed March 2013) that has recently been signed to Rise Records! Many people say that Rise produces bands that sound exactly alike. I can understand that, but, honestly, I don't think it really matters. No two bands sound exactly alike.  These bands may sound similar because they are all in the same genre or similar genres.  Rise Records is aware that people who like the bands they sign will like similar bands.  That's just how it works
Anyway, Alive Like Me always keeps me interested. They have some heavier songs on the album (Better Off, Lost Without You, Our Time Down Here) and also show a softer side (Searching For Endings, Never Looking Back).  Overall, the 11 tracks are upbeat and I honestly think I could  listen to them forever! Let me know what you think, guys! I'm curious as to how big this band will be. Many say they're better than Sleeping With Sirens, but maybe we'll have to wait for their next album to see what happened there.... Once again, I'd love to hear from you! You can contact me on Twitter as well (@katsr4me).