Whatcha Lookin For?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Alive Like Me's Debut Album, Only Forever

Alive Like Me is a new band (formed March 2013) that has recently been signed to Rise Records! Many people say that Rise produces bands that sound exactly alike. I can understand that, but, honestly, I don't think it really matters. No two bands sound exactly alike.  These bands may sound similar because they are all in the same genre or similar genres.  Rise Records is aware that people who like the bands they sign will like similar bands.  That's just how it works
Anyway, Alive Like Me always keeps me interested. They have some heavier songs on the album (Better Off, Lost Without You, Our Time Down Here) and also show a softer side (Searching For Endings, Never Looking Back).  Overall, the 11 tracks are upbeat and I honestly think I could  listen to them forever! Let me know what you think, guys! I'm curious as to how big this band will be. Many say they're better than Sleeping With Sirens, but maybe we'll have to wait for their next album to see what happened there.... Once again, I'd love to hear from you! You can contact me on Twitter as well (@katsr4me).

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