Whatcha Lookin For?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Black Veil Brides

Hello again!  I'm back!  I've started using my laptop instead of a tablet, so I will try to update this blog more!  So, a few days ago, I found the new Black Veil Brides album at F.Y.E.  Why not buy it, right! It was about ten dollars, which I conveniently had.  My friend is letting me borrow Hesitant Alien, which I will download tomorrow and probably review on my little blog here in a few days.  Anyway, I thought this album was great!  I honestly love the older Black Veil Brides, such as Knives and Pens (my favorite Black Veil Brides song), Perfect Weapon, and Beautiful Remains. I think this album represented their growth as a band, and it sounds quite a bit like their older stuff.  I have to say, I'm quite impressed with this album!  Of course, I don't know all of the music very well yet, but I can say that my favorite songs so far are Faithless, Crown of Thorns, Heart of Fire, Devil In the Mirror, and Walk Away.  I love how they changed up their sound to make Walk Away.  I thought it was a beautiful song, and I recommended it to my friend who likes bands like Panic! At The Disco and Alive Like Me.  Also, after hearing the album, I really do agree on the songs they chose to be singles.  Faithless and Heart of Fire are very strong, and really represent the album well.  This band is brilliant.  For the record, I will never get tired of hearing the guitar solos.

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